Frequent Urination

Is frequent urination bothering you? Do you have to rush to the toilet frequently? Get urodynamics at SB hospital!

SB hospital was the first centre to start Uroflow and urodynamics in south Tamil Nadu.
Incomplete emptying of the bladder at one attempt to urinate will result in frequently running to the toilet for repeated passing out urine or sometimes leakage of urine due to urgency orwithout any sensation. Incomplete emptying of the bladder at one attempt to urinate will result in some urine staying back in the bladder frequently running to the toilet for repeated ATTEMPT TO pass out urine. Moreover, if some urine stays back after each urination Bacteria will grow and cause urinary infection. This in the long term will cause damage of the kidneys. This can occur due to obstruction at the bladder outlet (narrowing of the urinary outer passage called stricture urethra or prostatic enlargement in elderly male). Some times, there may not be any obstruction at all but the bladder muscle may not have enough strength to push the urine out.,.

With Modern sophisticated LABORIE URODYNAMICS MACHINE at SB Hospital, flow rates and assessment of the capacity of the urinary bladder muscles to push and squeeze out the urine can be measured.. With this simple painless out patient testing, we will be able to find out the exact cause of incomplete emptying. With appropriate Medicines, relief from these symptoms may be possible. Sometimes patient may require surgical correction of the obstruction present of surgical procedures may be required for incontinence. For example, TVT,TOT (for female stress incontinence),open pubo vaginal sling, & laparoscopic mesh repairs have been successfully done in our centre.