In Vitro Fertilization - IVF
IVF is a process by which ovum collected from the woman’s ovary and the partners sperms are allowed to fertilize in a laboratory dish and then transferring the embryo to the uterus .For this process preliminary investigations are required for both the male and the female to establish that both partners other parameters are fit for this procedure. At SB Hospital ART Centre we have very high Successful results of fertilization as well as pregnancies comparable to International standards. Usually this process of IVF is done where the eggs (ovum) released from the ovaries cannot reach the fallopian tubes because of obstruction or pelvic adhesions. This treatment is also very useful where the ovarian reserve is poor ( the capacity to produce adequate number of eggs is poor). Or severe endometriosis. If the sperms from the husband or donor is of poor quality, such as poor motility of the sperms etc, better results of fertilization may be possible if IVF is done after adequate special processing of sperms with special fluids...
IVF is also done if conception does not take place after repeated attempts of properly done Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI).
Some couples prefer to have IVF straight away instead of going around for many years attempting to try various other procedures and spending lot of money particularly because they come to know that chances of pregnancy are much higher and quicker than any other method of treatment. At SB Hospital ART centre, we counsel the couples for early IVF if the couple can understand and appreciate the advantages of IVF over other methods.
With IVF procedure, The ART specialist attempts to get a single pregnancy to minimize the complications which can occur has a reasonable control over the number of pregnancies.
Another advantage with IVF is, With latest technologies available at SB Hospital ART Centre, ovum (eggs) and also additional embryos can be preserved even for many years for possible planning of babies later, at a time of their choice.