Any organ including the kidney will suffer severe damage if the blood supply to that organ is diminished or cut off . that organ eill reduce its function or stop functioning. Usually this happens when there is any obstruction or narrowing of the blood vessel supplying blood to that organ. Such an obstruction can occur in the Renal arteries due to a number of reasons. Rarely people are born with narrow arteries. Other wise certain diseases affecting the blood vessel walls (Renal artery stenosis) or later in life as a part of the generalized athero sclerosis may be the reason for the obstruction. This results in poor oxygen supply causing cell damage in the kidneys. Usually in crease in the Blood pressure (RENAL HYPERTENSION) can occur and in due course the kidney may shrink and gradually lose function. Renal angiogram is done by introducing a fine catheter through the artery in the thigh in to the blood vessel of the kidney and injecting contrast material and getting a CT scan. The exact nature of the obstruction extent of the obstruction can be assessed. By passing the appropriate mini catheters obstruction can be removed or a stent is placed. Some times there are occasions where the blood vessel to the kidney in blocked therapeutically to stop excessive bleeding after injuries to the kidney ( example after Road traffic accidents). Some times, when there is a very large tumor( cancer) the artery is blocked to avoid excessive bleeding durin surgery in the kidney. If by any chance the kidney cancer is too big and not amenable for removal, the blood supply is blocked (RENAL ANGIO EMBOLISATION) so that the tumor cannot grow further or will stop bleeding. At SB hospital all the facilities for these procedures are available.